We all are feeling the strain of staying in our homes due to the Coronavirus, COVID-19. Many are choosing to venture outside, but is that a good idea?
"For everyone, it’s about weighing risks.
It’s still recommended to do these things:
‒ Avoid large crowds.
‒ Avoid smaller spaces with more people.
‒ Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose and mouth.
‒ Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Definitely wash them before eating and going to the bathroom (and after, too).
‒ Maintain 6 feet of social distance between you and people you don’t live with.
‒ Wear a mask or face covering that covers your nose and mouth. If it’s a cloth mask, slip a coffee filter between the layers of cloth. Wash the mask between wearings and get a new coffee filter each time. If it’s a disposable mask, use a fresh one each time. The mask is for your protection, but it’s even more for the protection of others around you.
‒ Clean and disinfect heavily used surfaces, such as kitchen counters and bathrooms faucets, often."
Read more here, courtesy of Austin360.