Things To Do While Social Distancing

Start a puzzle; pull out all those games! (Maybe the loser donates to his/her favorite non-profit? Or consider this; buying gift cards from restaurants is like giving them interest free loans.

31 Fun Games for Family Game Night

Download fun game apps such as:

Get a leg up on spring cleaning; get serious this time about donating!

Take this time to declutter and reorganize your home or apartment.

Get rest and strengthen your immune system because we all know the best offense is a good defense.


Creative meals, movies and more; we tried a new pizza combo. Can you guess which half –more like 2/3 – was Bob's?


Read abook, or two? Tap into your creative side by painting, drawing or writing. (Found this water color I did 30 years ago and decided to get the old brush out!)


Make strides towards your home maintenance goals, finally...


Break a sweat. Bob with his new personal trainer (our son Tommy).