Change Your Tune in June

No more excuses, no more waiting, no more stare downs. It’s time to make your move and change your tune. We finally have the inventory (more homes for sale than we’ve had in 13 years) at great prices with creative incentives from both lenders and sellers. The time is right to change your tune. And speaking of tunes, it’s also time to Tune In to June Happenings! Tune In to Real Estate News Want to…

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March Gladness

Spring Break, SXSW, March Madness, St. Patrick’s Day…so much to be glad about! And even in the real estate world, we’re feeling glad that this month is looking like a season of opportunities; buyers have lots of inventory to choose from and seller’s yards are finally greening up and looking better. So, it’s time to March On! March On to the Real Estate Scene Younger Buyers Want Baby Boomers to Update Their Homes, Not Just…

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Love February

The Super Bowl is over–now it’s time to start the year! And it’s a short month, so let’s Get To It! Get To It…Get Back To Your Home Search. Interest rates are going down, inventory is going up, so get a jump on the market now. Pent-up buyer demand is ready to become unleashed – Get a jump on the other buyers, as you will have more negotiating power now than in the Spring! Homebuyers…

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July Fun

Happy July! Wow! It’s the start of the second half of 2023. Are you asking yourself where did those first 6 months go? Hoping the start of the next 6 months begins with FUN. Austin Monthly just came out with 101 Fun Things to Do This Summer so grab a copy when you can. And, you can read on for my own list of FUN things! Fun Facts About Austin Fun facts about Austin that…

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June is a Good Month

I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S THE MIDDLE OF JUNE ALREADY! As the days get longer, so does the list of things to do around our house. I consider this a good month to take on inside projects, especially when the thermometer hits 100. June is a good month for so many things, so let me count the ways. (And be sure to scroll down to the end for some Father’s Day Fun.) June is a good…

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I Love May!

I must admit that May is my favorite month. It was kicked off with sweet clients delivering me flowers on May Day. Next comes Mother’s Day with a special visit from our daughter and then it’s our wedding anniversary. This year, it’s our 40th so we’re off on a “Tour de Texas” to hit those West Texas places we haven’t seen yet in our 31 years of living here. Real estate is steady, the temperatures…

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Spring Into April

April showers bring – flowers and tax returns! As we say goodbye to the madness of March, we say hello to a month filled with new opportunities. Buyers are coming out of the woodwork and sellers have finally adjusted to the new “normal” market. SO NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRING INTO… Real Estate! Austin is settling into the ranks of Texas cities selling homes over $10M. Affluent areas in Austin have landed increasingly in…

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March On!

Spring time is in the air! March welcomes us with Rodeo Austin, SXSW, St. Patrick’s Day, Dell Match Play and College Basketball’s Big Dance. And everything is starting to turn green, have you noticed? Read on and March on! Local Happenings Worth Checking Out? MARCH 13TH – 18TH SXSW 2023 An indispensable destination for global professionals, SXSW features sessions, music and comedy showcases, film screenings, exhibitions, professional development, and a variety of networking opportunities. >…

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